Arts‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Delivers Excellence in Wild Multiverse Adventure 'Everything Everywhere All at Once,' one of two movies recently released to center around a multiverse, has flawless execution and masterful storytell...
ArtsNaomi Watts Delivers a Strong Performance In a ‘Life-or-Death’ Drama 'Infinite Storm,' Naomi Watt's latest film, suffers with a choppy plot and ultimately fails to live up to its potential.
ArtsDespite Great Acting and Directing, Mystery Drama ‘Deep Water’ Still Flops 'Deep Water' fails to keep the attention of audiences, although maintaining strong acting and direction.
Arts‘Fresh’ Delivers a Delicious Horror Story With a Side of Social Commentary 'Fresh' holds viewer attention through jarring visuals, a fortified storyline, and deeper societal criticisms.
Arts‘Drive My Car’ Demands Patience With Slow-Paced Exploration of Characters 'Drive My Car' moves slowly as it fails to indulge in the complexities of each character.
Movies‘The Worst Person in the World’ Captures Existential Crises of Youth 'The Worst Person in the World' decidedly explores the obstacles of youth and stunted temperament.
Movies‘Uncharted’ Misses the Mark of What Makes Big-Budget Movies Fun Newly-released 'Uncharted' does not reflect its long production process with its unengaging execution.
ArtsLatest Film of Beloved Prank Series Proves ‘Jackass’ Truly is Forever After over a decade, the 'Jackass' troupe returns with explosive and new original stunts.
Arts‘Munich – The Edge of War’ Can’t Save Itself from Traditional Period Piece Form 'Munich - The Edge of War' shows the waning days WWII, however deteriorates with poor character-relationship design.
Arts‘Who We Are’ Serves to Educate and Analyze During Black History Month Education-driven documentary follows important American sites of overshadowed slavery.