Zayn assures us that leaving One Direction was for the best with 'Still Got Time,' while Parisian Foutaine de lait puzzles with 'Camille' in singles t...
Though the feelings used are simple, the universality of Mura Masa's '1 Night' is sure to leave an impression on those who share the forlorn feelings ...
Conor Oberst is able to formulate an album that impresses on multiple levels as collaboration brings out bony sound and pitted sadness from the talent...
Machine Gun Kelly falls short in 'At My Best,' Frank Ocean brands himself as strong as 'Chanel,' and Leo Kaylan definitely leaves listeners feeling ri...
In an off-putting display of seduction, Pitbull's latest music video for 'Options' attests that the artist is out of them as he puts on an uncomfortab...
In an album that could be considered one long song, Drake seems to embark on directions distinct from the rest of his career with features from a vari...