“All of these conversations going on in the media is what inspired WIB to bring the conversation to BC’s campus,” said Nicole Robertson, director of m...
“So it’s really more than a community, it’s more of a family" said Jonathan Afonso, MCAS '19. "It’s really good for people who don't feel like they fi...
“Someone could have the most compelling story, but if that person doesn’t have the execution and delivery, it’s not going to be a good talk,” said Eli...
According to Lisa White, the associate director of engagement at the Career Center, over 1000 students attended the Career Fair over the two days seek...
The resolution stated that the University should allow Students for Sexual Health to distribute contraceptives to the BC community and have meetings w...
“The concert originally scheduled for January 29 has been canceled so that we can reconsider the program and its lineup,” the BC music department wrot...
The new design is part of a two-phase transformation that aims to create a student hang-out space that can be used for musical performances and to fos...
Reed Piercy, MCAS ’19, and Ignacio Fletcher, MCAS ’20, are currently collecting signatures to run, as well as Taraun Frontis, CSOM ’19, and Aneeb Shei...