Despite its relatively quiet presence in Devlin Hall, the McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College has been home to dozens of internationally renowned...
The new Campus Activities Board of Boston College (CAB) and Associate Director of the Office of Student Involvement Mark Miceli confirmed last Friday ...
Haven was created and refined in conversation with the nation’s leading experts on sexual assault education and prevention. It attempts to communicate...
More than 460 Boston College student athletes gathered in the Flynn Recreation Complex to participate in the second annual Cycle for Survival at BC in...
The small, shack-like structure in front of Corcoran Commons has a new look-Beans, Creams, and Dreams has been replaced with Meatball Obsession, which...
The latest installment of the Americans for Informed Democracy's (AID) "Last Lecture" series provided the setting for Rev. Jeremy Clarke, S.J.'s final...