An international prospective on Christian-Jewish relations was highlighted in the third annual Pope John Paul II lecture ...
Barrozo Supports Adoption Bill In Letter To Congress
An assistant professor in the BC Law School helped organize 24 full-time law professors to sign a letter urging Congress t...
STM Professor Rev. Daniel Harrington, S.J. Dies At 73
When Rev. Daniel J. Harrington, S.J. was a boy, he believed that he could never become a teacher or priest because he had...
BCVC Hosts Career Fair, Featuring Tech Startups
Over 30 firms were represented at the Boston College Venture Competition's second annual career fair, ranging from small mo...
University Addresses Financial Aid
"It's actually the opposite," said Bob Lay, Dean of Enrollment Management (DEMO). "Rather than presenting obstacles to stud...
Former U.S. Senator Talks Bipartisanship
Former U.S. Senator from Maine Olympia Snowe spoke about polarization in the United States on Tuesday night in a Chambers...
CEO Of New Balance Discusses Marketing
Rob DeMartini, president and CEO of New Balance, spoke at an AHANA Management Academy-sponsored lecture.
MLK Scholarships Recognize Marks, Other Finalists
At a celebration of the 32nd Annual Martin Luther King,
University Announces Plan To Work With Parents, Keep Campus School At Boston College
After months of shared deliberation between the Boston College Campus School, the parents of Campus School students, and th...
CEO Of SAP Talks Innovation At BC Chief Executives’ Club
With its rapidly expanding presence in the startup industry, Boston College is no stranger to "disruptive innovation"-a set...