In May, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law S.B. 8, a radical piece of legislation that effectively bans abortion after just six weeks, with no exemptions given for rape or incest. The Supreme Court narrowly voted in a 5-4 decision to formally state that the bill may go into effect on the intended date…
Opinions, Op-Ed
The Texas Heartbeat Act Explained
The Texas Heartbeat Act went into effect on Sept. 1. This bill prevents abortionists from killing preborn human beings in abortion procedures after fetal cardiac activity is detected using medical technology. The preborn’s heartbeat can be detected around day 21 of his or her development. While similar bills restricting abortion have already been passed in…
News, Top Story, On Campus
‘Lies Feminists Tell’ Event Sees Tensions Rise During Q&A Portion After Anti-Abortion Speech
Boston College’s Pro-Life Club held an event titled “Lies Feminists Tell with Kristan Hawkins” Tuesday night, with tensions reaching a high point during the question-and-answer section of the event.