“What does UGBC even do?” You’ve probably heard someone ask this question. While student governments are established to advocate for student needs and create actionable policies, the Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) is a constant subject of jokes and slander.
Council for Students with Disabilities Holds Town Hall to Discuss Accessibility
“Not everyone’s in a wheelchair, but that doesn’t mean I’m not struggling,” Julia Arnese, director of CSD and MCAS ’20, said.
Non-Tactile Braille Signage Found in Bapst Library, University Addresses Issue
Boston College addressed the issue via a correspondence with a student on its Facebook page.
Student Activists, Faculty Pave The Pathway To A More Accessible BC Campus
Students and faculty continue efforts to increase accessibility on BC’s campus.
BC Subject To Official Inquiry Over Accessibility Issues
The federal and state governments are now investigating Boston College for potentially violating laws regarding accessibility.
For Students With Disabilities, A Newly Created Advocacy Group
Last month, UGBC established the Council for Students with Disabilities to plan initiatives and events that will raise visibility and help to foster change.
Accessiblity On Campus Still A Concern For Some Students
Some students contend that recent changes seeking to enable accessibility on campus are barely scratching the surface of problems surrounding access at Boston College.
BC Has Begun To Address On-Campus Accessibility, But Has Further To Go
The University made some significant changes to the campus to improve campus accessibility over the summer, but students and faculty have concerns that have not been addressed.
BC Creates New Website For Increased Access To ADA Resources
Over the summer, Judy Ferres, associate director of the Office for Institutional Diversity (OID), helped create a website that provides students with disabilities one central location where they can access information about how to get around on campus.
Students See Need For Expanded Disability Access At BC
In front of Devlin Hall, which houses Boston College’s admissions office, is a ramp. There are handrails on each side, and it looks like a person using crutches or a wheelchair could navigate up and down it with ease.