I have always thought of myself as a decent student. While I was certainly never the girl with color-coded notes, assignment spreadsheets, or pre-planned study schedules, I knew how to work hard. I was intimately familiar with my own capabilities, and I knew that I could walk away with a grade that I was happy with if I applied enough effort when necessary. And for all intents and purposes, this system worked well … for high-school me.
Column, Opinions
Head Empty, No Thoughts: A Beginner’s Guide to the Bog of Bleh
You see, I have recently found myself feeling stuck in a bog of bleh—a void of lethargy and nothingness. In it, identity feels irrelevant, purpose seems excessive, ideals feel presumptuous, and goals are downright impossible.
Column, Opinions
Cleaning My Room
The room was a display of my inner thoughts: unorganized and chaotic. As the space got more cluttered, I spent my days criticizing everything that I did and every aspect of my being.
Opinions, Column
Comparison Culture: Leaving Behind the Life Timeline
Your timeline is a work in progress, not a pre-ordained narrative. And you are so much more than a pawn moving between tasks. Appreciate the journey to reaching success, acknowledge the wisdom gained from each of your achievements, and do not be afraid to stray from the path.