The first of two unique performances, Friday’s lineup included 10 BC dance teams, each representing a distinctive style. In the week leading up to the event, the teams offered free workshops.
On Campus, Arts
Sexual Chocolate Hosts Yet Another Fiery Night of Dance in Rookie Showcase
Boston College students packed into the Rat on Saturday, Oct. 29 to watch the new members of 16 dance groups perform for the first time.
Arts, Arts Features
Dance Groups Gear Up for Showdown Competition
Ahead of ALC Showdown on March 19, dance groups have been prepping their themes and routines for the competition in Conte Forum.
Arts, On Campus
Dance Groups Draw Crowds at Explosive Rookie Showcase
New dancers from 12 different teams came together in Lyons Hall to show off their performance and storytelling skills through dance.
Top Story, Arts, On Campus
BC Dance Teams Show Up in Force for Showdown
This year, BC dance groups brought their all to Showdown. Highlights included Synergy, PATU, Sexual Chocolate, and BCID.
Arts, On Campus, Featured Story
Dance Showcase Leaves Audiences Awestruck in Soaring and Gorgeous Performance
The marked talents of BC’s dance community cannot be overstated. In the Second Annual Week of Dance Showcase, the electrifying technical skill of all groups involved left audiences smiling, swinging, and swooning.