After less than two years in Cleveland Circle, Agoro’s Pizza Bar and Grill will close its doors for good on Sunday. News came as a shock to local residents and Boston College students, as Agoro’s served as a popular hangout.
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A Brother’s Bond: Bennet Johnson Runs to Raise Money for Special Olympics
Bennet Johnson is running the Boston Marathon to raise money for the Special Olympics and to help people like his brother, who has autism.
Metro, Food, Top Story
Agoro’s to Replace Roggie’s in Cleveland Circle
“We’re food-driven first,” Dimitrios said. “We care about making people happy and if the food is great everything else will follow suit.”
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Roggie’s Owner Sentenced To Jail For Misleading Police Investigation
The Cleveland Circle establishment had been under investigation for a nearly fatal incident involving a customer last year.
Metro, Food, Top Story
Following Sale Of Lease, Roggie’s To Close After 21 Years In Service
A new pizza joint will take over its space on Chestnut Hill Ave. and plans to open in January.