Boston College should develop creative solutions to maintain and continue improving diversity on campus after the top court’s decision to axe race-based affirmative action in college admissions.
Opinions, Column
“Only as Catholic as You Make It…”
When my tour guide said that Boston College is “only as Catholic as you make it,” they may have been reflecting a true reality for many students. As a Jew and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it has not always been true for me. When I first learned that BC refused the creation of a student funded LGBTQ+ resource center on the grounds that doing so would compromise the University’s “Catholic values,” I was astonished.
BAIC Holds Modified AHANA Summit
The Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center (BAIC) emphasized themes of building community and developing identity at the annual AHANA Summit, which was held over Zoom on April 10.
News, Top Story, On Campus
New UGBC Budget Set at $343,225
UGBC’s budget for the upcoming academic year is set at $343,225, an increase of $14,087—or 4.3 percent—over last year’s allocation.