Boston College has canceled Campus Ministry’s Arrupe International Immersion service trips that were scheduled for Winter Break due to concerns about COVID-19, according to an email sent to participants on Wednesday.
On Campus, News
‘Solidarity at BC’ Panelists Define Service
Sponsored by the Arrupe International Immersion Program, “Solidarity at BC: For and With Others” began by asking audience members to write down their definition of solidarity.
News, Off Campus, Top Story
Arrupe El Salvador Trip Cancelled
Citing local violence, volunteer program seeks alternate location.
On Campus, Featured Story
For Service Groups, A Week Of Reflection
F.A.S.T. Week is an attempt to help students returning from placements and service trips answer the question of how they are able to authentically incorporate their service experiences into their everyday lives.
News, Off Campus
BC Named To President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll
Boston College was selected to be on the 2014 Honor Roll that recognizes schools who perform exceptional community service. Programs like PULSE show BC’s commitment to the surrounding community.