I have a LinkedIn, and it feels apocalyptic. For those who don’t know, LinkedIn is the social networking website for professional development. Unlike other social media platforms like Facebook or X, LinkedIn unpretentiously admits in its vision statement that it seeks to provide economic opportunity for its users—not social utility.
Pumping the Brakes: The Sophomore Oomph
Upon returning to familiar routes, anxious anticipation began to monopolize my internal dialogue as I drove the car. Nerves surrounding my upcoming second semester at Boston College engulfed my commute to most outings.
If You Don’t Feel Mortified at Least Once a Week, You’re Not Living Life to the Fullest
The value of painful emotions is twofold. First, they serve as a signal of your deeper character—for example, sadness might be a signal that you are compassionate. Second, painful emotions are a call to action.
Cause of Death: Utter Humiliation
It is very easy to swap our honest imperfections with more impermeable exteriors, but we become much more confident and self-assured when we refuse to mask our unflattering qualities.
To Spread Authenticity, Happiness Project Comes to BC for the Second Year
UGBC is partnering with several other campus organizations to bring the Happiness Project to BC for the second year in a row.
The Perils Of Irony: How Sarcasm Builds Barriers To Authenticity
BC student reflects on the irony present within the millennial society and its far-reaching implications.
On Authentic Eagles: Looking Back On A Year In Reflection
The creators of the ‘Gavel’ series reflect back on a year in stories—from the inception of the idea last November to Authentic Eagles today.
Masking Your ‘Authentic’ At BC
Authenticity should be intrinsic and natural, not something we try out for size every once in a while.