It’s never easy: Getting rid of Columbus Day isn’t just saying that Columbus was wrong, but is saying that we were wrong to celebrate him.
Opinions, Column
Finding the Value in a Liberal Arts Education
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race of academia and not really question what you’re doing.
Opinions, Editorials
BC Shouldn’t Be Surprised By Continued Union Demonstrations
“Under normal circumstances, it would be unfortunate that the union feels compelled to protest at an event from which so many students benefit.”
Opinions, Column, Featured Column
Separating Altruism From Philanthropy
“We are, sadly, self-preservative, genetically reaching back to our Neanderthal nth great-grandparents.”
Opinions, Column
Living in the Moment to Better Your Future
“These are the moments where we want to grip our desks and refuse to let go.”
Opinions, Column
Hitting Rock Bottom to Get Back Up
“There’s one thing, though, that I hope is similar: I hope you face-plant on the ground of rock bottom at some point in your life.”
Editorials, Opinions
Global Public Health Initiative Is Positive Development for University’s Future
“As rival universities integrate similar programs into their curriculum…it is evident that BC recognizes the necessity to keep up with rival institutions.”