“That competitive energy that once propelled us down the field can be channeled into a desire to do the best we can during midterm week.”
Interpreting the Language of BC
“What used to be a seemingly innocuous slogan carries the weight of a campus movement.”
Why Boston College Should Rethink Football
“It is a dark, unacceptable irony that an institution devoted to developing intellectual capacity would allow, let alone celebrate, the systematic destruction of student brain-function.”
An Opportunity to Come Together
“At BC, we have the valuable opportunity to look around and watch as those we know, and those we don’t know so well, worship in the same places as us.”
When Unregistered Means Unwanted
“We all deserve the right to voice our opinions. Forcing students to get approval for demonstrations is effectively censoring us, and we need spaces that are available for everyone to voice their ideas.”
LTE: GLBTQ+ Leadership Council Responds to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“If we want to continue to grow as a Boston College community it is important that we do not hide behind what is perceived as Jesuit ideals and other kinds of groupthink and think for ourselves.”
LTE: A Response to “Looking Forward to a Progressive Future”
“Father Leahy and BC are merely exhibiting the very Jesuit ideals this University was founded upon in 1863,” writes Dietrich in her letter.
Answering Public Diplomacy 2.0’s Call
“American Boston College students, whether they like it or not, represent the U.S. while they study abroad.”
Our Thoughts With the Victims in Marseille
“The editorial board of The Heights wishes to express our thoughts and prayers to the four Boston College students attacked by acid in Marseille.”
Learning to Fall off the Lamppost
“I may not have been able to climb the pole that day, but my efforts reminded me of how much I have to enjoy by being on this campus, how much I have yet to try and to discover.”