Tag: bc

Murphy: Sometimes You Have to Wait
Featured Column, Features

Murphy: Sometimes You Have to Wait

To do The Heights is often to make the mere suburban blip that is BC into the whole world, to zoom in so close that you breathlessly rewrite headlines at 1 a.m. to better capture the most microscopic of details, or reword a caption on page 14 to reflect this rather than that.

Pop Punk and Previews: TU/TD
TU/TD, Blog

Pop Punk and Previews: TU/TD

Thumbs Up Previews – Arguably the best part of any movie-going experience. Don’t tell me you don’t get a rush of excitement when you watch a trailer on a huge screen in a dark theater with a bucket of popcorn in your lap and a Coke Icee in your hand for a movie that you…

Spilling the Tea About Tea: TU/TD
Blog, TU/TD

Spilling the Tea About Tea: TU/TD

Thumbs Up Tea – Tea saved my life this week. With sickness plus midterms plus my killer procrastination skills, every night needed at least one mug of tea, often more. I might have had to do a lot of dishes then, but it was worth it. It’s relaxing for a stressed mind, it’s soothing on…

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