Office of Emergency Management, BCEMS to Triple Number of AEDs on Campus in New Initiative
News, On Campus

Office of Emergency Management, BCEMS to Triple Number of AEDs on Campus in New Initiative

In cases of cardiac emergency, the timely usage of an automated external defibrillator (AED) can make the difference between life and death. At Boston College, the Office of Emergency Management and BC Emergency Medical Services (BCEMS) hope to improve these chances of survival by tripling the number of AEDs located on University-owned properties. “We’ve had…

Opinions, Column

The Case For A BCEMS Ambulance

It’s only going to be a matter of time before our EMS system comes under scrutiny because of its inability to get emergency transport help to a student in a timely manner. Is it really going to take a serious injury, or even a death, for changes to be made?