Residents of Walsh Hall were evacuated twice on Sunday morning following alarms triggered by Michael Sorkin, CSOM ’21, who was arrested hours after damaging property in Walsh Hall, vandalizing Welch Hall with racial epithets, and assaulting a BCPD officer.
UPDATE: Michael Sorkin Named as Student Arrested for Sunday Damage, Racist Vandalism
BC student Michael Sorkin, CSOM ’21, was named as the student arrested for damaging property in Walsh Hall, racist vandalism in Welch Hall, and assaulting a BCPD officer earlier that morning.
Opening of Practice Spaces at 300 Hammond Pond Delayed to Spring Semester
Boston College’s plans to open 300 Hammond Pond Parkway for student rehearsal and performance space have been delayed.
The new plan is to open the space early next semester, as well as provide regular shuttle service to and from the location.
Evans Warns Students of Holiday Break-Ins
As the Boston College community begins to depart Chestnut Hill for Thanksgiving break, BC Chief of Police Bill Evans is reminding off-campus students to make sure they lock up before they escape campus for the beginning of the holiday season.
UPDATE: Students Hold Die-In on Quad on Anniversary of Silence is Still Violence
Student protesters staged a “die-in” on the Quad on Thursday afternoon to challenge “the various forms of oppression upheld through a culture [of] institutional passivity” at BC, according to a release from Black Eagles Matter.
Administration Responds to Rise in Campus Crime Reports
In the wake of the Boston College’s Clery Act Crime statistics being released on Sept. 28, the administration has reiterated its support for students reporting any concerning incident to the BC Police Department, student affairs administrators, or the Dean of Students’ office.
Graduate Union Interrupts Parents’ Weekend Event, Pickets Pops on the Heights
About 30 members of the Boston College Graduate Employees Union (BCGEU-UAW) first walked out of the annual President’s Address in Robsham Theater before carrying out a planned picket outside Pops on the Heights Friday night.
Break-Ins in Brighton Causing BCPD Concern
After multiple incidents were reported in the past week related to break-ins in the Brighton neighborhood that many Boston College students living off campus call home, the Boston College Police Department is working on educating off-campus students on how to prevent break-ins.
UPDATE: BCPD Issues Second Community Awareness Bulletin Concerning Off-Campus Break-Ins
The Boston College Police Department issued a Community Awareness Bulletin Sunday night concerning an off-campus residential burglary in the early morning hours in the Lane Park neighborhood of Brighton.
BCPD Chief Bill Evans Settles Into New Position
Entering his fourth week on the job after taking over for the now-retired chief John King, Evans is beginning to settle into his routine at his home in BCPD command. His walls are adorned with countless medals from his various escapades during his over 30 years of service to the Boston Police Department, right down to the many different literal hats he wore over his tenure, which led to a five-year stint as commissioner.