Staff writer Leah Stitzel composes the perfect, not depressing, Fall playlist to welcome the change of seasons.
Arts, iEdit
iEdit: Liv Charbonneau Pulls Together ‘Warm-Blooded Indie Pop’ That Speaks to Her Roots
Visual director Liv Charbonneau pays homage to her Massachusetts roots on a reflective playlist that is “the perfect set of songs to end the fall season.”
iEdit, Arts
iEdit: Sophia Maher’s Playlist Contemplates the Beauty and Uncertainty of the Future
Associate multimedia editor Sophia Maher crafts a playlist all about getting older and figuring out the twists and turns of life.
iEdit, Arts
iEdit: MC Claverie’s Playlist Offers the Comfort of Home and a Peek into Her Chaotic Mind
Associate Magazine Editor MC Claverie’s playlist provides a sense of comfort for Graphics Editor Annie Corrigan for when the two are apart.