Despite universal condemnation of the oppression of Jewish communities during the Holocaust, hatred toward Jewish Americans today goes largely ignored, according to author Dara Horn, recipient of three National Jewish Book Awards.
Panelists Address Catholicism, Politics, and the 2020 Election
Panelists at a Zoom event on Sept. 24 addressed issues surrounding the intersection of Catholic identity and political affiliation in light of the upcoming presidential election.
On Campus, News
Rogers Talks Religion, Freedom, and Common Good
Rogers believes that it is the duty of government officials to speak out against actions that infringe on religious freedom in America.
On Campus, News
Professor Talks Intersection of Climate Change, Faith
Northwestern University professor Laurie Zoloth discussed the implications of climate change and how prophecy intertwines science and theology in a lecture on Tuesday.
News, Featured Story, On Campus
A General, an Ambassador, and a Reverend Walk Into a Panel on Just War
A general, ambassador, and reverend each gave their takes on what just war consists of on Thursday night.