Tag: boston college

BC Offers Online Reporting Form for Bias-Motivated Behavior

BC Offers Online Reporting Form for Bias-Motivated Behavior

Following the vandalism incidents on the Multicultural Learning Experience (MLE) floor of Xavier Hall, Boston College is urging students to report any experiences of bias-motivated behavior and other conduct violations through a new online form, according to an email sent to the BC community on Saturday.

UGBC Revises Constitution and Standing Rules

UGBC Revises Constitution and Standing Rules

The Student Assembly (SA) of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College altered the UGBC Constitution and Standing Rules at a meeting on Feb 2. Members also voted to pass two additional resolutions, including an updated transparency policy and the reimplementation of the grocery shuttle for Montserrat students.

BC Threatens Tighter Restrictions After Covid-19 Uptick
News, Top Story, Coronavirus Updates

BC Threatens Tighter Restrictions After Covid-19 Uptick

Executive Vice President and Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Michael Lochhead sent an email to students on Tuesday attributing the recent rise in COVID-19 cases at Boston College to “students letting their guard down.” If the trend continues, BC may implement further restrictions, including possibly sending students home early for the semester, the email said. 

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