The University reported 27 new undergraduate cases of COVID-19 out of 4,734 undergraduate tests, a positivity rate of .57 percent.
BC Experiences Delayed Test Results Day After COVID-19 Spike
After an issue with equipment at the Broad Institute, which processes some of Boston College’s COVID-19 tests, members of the BC community are experiencing a delay in receiving their test results, according to an update on the University’s COVID-19 dashboard.
BC Sees Largest COVID-19 Case Spike Since Early September
The University reported 23 new undergraduate cases of COVID-19 out of 2,400 undergraduate tests, according to a Wednesday update on its COVID-19 dashboard, an undergraduate positivity rate of .96 percent.
Panelists Debate Pope Francis’ ‘Fratelli Tutti’ and the Role of the Catholic Church
Discussing Pope’ Francis’ latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, panelists critiqued the lack of women’s voices and questioned what this omission says about the role of women in the Catholic Church and in society, among numerous other topics, in a panel on Tuesday.
Honor System Raises Questions About Academic Integrity
For Kathleen Freeman, a senior studying biology at Boston College, an impending physics midterm brought along more than the usual anxiety and frustration associated with midterm season.
BC Dining Prepares for Thanksgiving Feast
Boston College Dining Services holds a Thanksgiving dinner every year for students who remain on campus. But this year, with students staying on campus for the break, it is preparing for a larger crowd than usual.
International Students Confront Challenges of Virtual Learning
When the University suspended in-person classes in March, Jiayi Wang, MCAS ’22, returned home to Henan, China to finish out the semester in a different hemisphere, and because of U.S. travel restrictions barring entry to those coming from China, she was unable to return to campus for the fall semester.
Undergraduate Positivity Rate Rises .12 Percent
20 undergraduates tested positive between November 8th and November 15th, an increase of 12 from the week prior.
Panelists Talk Race, Centrism, and the 2020 Election
The task of outperforming Donald Trump on climate policy will be an easy one for President-elect Joe Biden, according to Boston City Councilor Matt O’Malley.
BU Surpasses BC in COVID-19 Positives
Boston University surpassed Boston College in total reported cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday. BU had reported 35 more total cases than BC as of Saturday and has now reported a total of 296 positive COVID-19 cases since it began testing in July. BC had led the Commonwealth in total cases for weeks—largely due to a…