For Kathleen Freeman, a senior studying biology at Boston College, an impending physics midterm brought along more than the usual anxiety and frustration associated with midterm season.
BC Dining Prepares for Thanksgiving Feast
Boston College Dining Services holds a Thanksgiving dinner every year for students who remain on campus. But this year, with students staying on campus for the break, it is preparing for a larger crowd than usual.
International Students Confront Challenges of Virtual Learning
When the University suspended in-person classes in March, Jiayi Wang, MCAS ’22, returned home to Henan, China to finish out the semester in a different hemisphere, and because of U.S. travel restrictions barring entry to those coming from China, she was unable to return to campus for the fall semester.
Undergraduate Positivity Rate Rises .12 Percent
20 undergraduates tested positive between November 8th and November 15th, an increase of 12 from the week prior.
Panelists Talk Race, Centrism, and the 2020 Election
The task of outperforming Donald Trump on climate policy will be an easy one for President-elect Joe Biden, according to Boston City Councilor Matt O’Malley.
BU Surpasses BC in COVID-19 Positives
Boston University surpassed Boston College in total reported cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday. BU had reported 35 more total cases than BC as of Saturday and has now reported a total of 296 positive COVID-19 cases since it began testing in July. BC had led the Commonwealth in total cases for weeks—largely due to a…
“Our Democracy Worked as it Should”: Boston College Reacts to Biden Victory
When freshman Marie Hauck went to bed Friday night, three days after the presidential election, Donald J. Trump was president of the United States, and it was still unclear whether his challenger, Joseph R. Biden Jr., had garnered enough votes to unseat him. When Hauck woke up Saturday morning, her phone was blowing up with…
BC Community Leaders Urge Solidarity to Confront Racial Justice
Members of the Boston College community—sporting T-shirts and holding signs that read “End racism now,” each marked with the signature BC eagle—flooded the sidewalks of the main campus on Tuesday afternoon in support for racial justice.
“An Election Like No Other”: Boston College Braces for 2020 Presidential Election
“I am trying not to hedge my bets. I’m trying not to get my hopes up,” Katz said. “I’m trying not to resort my mental state to just envisioning the impending doom.”
Leftist, Communists Debate Supporting Biden
With Joe Biden, a member of the Democratic party’s moderate wing, representing Democrats in the upcoming presidential election, leftist thinkers disagreed on whether communist voters should vote for Biden at an event hosted by Platypus BC, a socialist organization, on Oct. 29.