Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore sent a letter to Boston College students and parents on Monday with more details for the fall semester.
BC Instagram Account Accused of Censoring Stories of Racism at the University
Members of the BC community are accusing the University of racist censorship after BC untagged its Instagram account from posts by @blackatbostoncollege.
BC Rejects Vatican’s Call for Divestment
BC is rejecting a recent call from the Vatican for Catholics to divest from companies and industries engaged in activities “harmful to human or social ecology” and the environment.
BC Students Reflect on Racism on Campus at UGBC Town Hall
UGBC hosted a virtual town hall on racism on Monday night with the purpose of having an honest and respectful conversation about racism in the United States and at BC.
BC Outlines Plans for Returning to Campus in the Fall
Boston College released a letter on Monday detailing plans for the University to return to on-campus instruction as scheduled for the Fall semester.
BC’s Construction Projects All Currently Under Active Construction
Boston College’s major construction projects are all currently under active construction, as the City of Boston begins a phased reopening of construction.
Four BC Student And Alumni Companies To Be Funded By SSC Venture Partners
The SSC Venture Partners, a venture fund and accelerator for student startups in the Boston area, will fund and mentor four BC student and alumni companies.
BC Plans to Reopen as Scheduled in Fall
BC plans to resume on-campus classes on August 31 as scheduled, University President William Leahy announced in an email on Tuesday.
With Enrollment Deadline Approaching, Students Commit to BC Without Visiting Campus
By the time high school senior Alex Park found out he had been accepted into Boston College, it was too late for him to visit campus.
BC Students Share Experiences With Testing Positive for COVID-19
By the time BC began its first day of online learning, two students found themselves taking a trip to UHS to get tested for the novel coronavirus.