There were 19 reported instances of rape and 23 reported instances of fondling at Boston College in 2018, according to the Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report, released on Aug. 30.
Theatre Professor Jorgensen Ties Teaching and Acting Together
“I was thinking, ‘Oh man,’ you know, I don’t know if I want to teach or if I want to keep acting,” Jorgensen said. “But for me, I’ve always been very impatient in the sense of, I couldn’t stand the idea that I had to wait for someone to pick me to make art.”
Leahy Addresses Faculty at Convocation
University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J., spoke to the Boston College faculty and staff at Wednesday’s University convocation, where he expanded on the role of BC as a Jesuit liberal arts university. He emphasized that the University’s primary goal is to be an institution of “teaching, research, creativity, debate, service, and learning.” “[BC students]…
VP for Student Affairs Joy Moore Previews Changes
After serving in the position on an interim basis since last fall, Joy Moore, BC ’81, was named vice president for Student Affairs last month, an opportunity she said she is thrilled about and reaches far past what she ever thought was possible in her career.
2018-19 Female Athlete of the Year: Megan Keller
Megan Keller returned after a year off—one that featured an Olympic gold medal—to Boston College close out one of the most impressive collegiate careers a defenseman has ever had.
Forty-Six Years Strong, BC’s Women’s Center Continues to Strive for Gender Equality and Student Safety
The female-led grassroots movement to build a women’s center at Boston College finally came to fruition with a grand opening in the women’s bathroom on the landing outside what is now Eagle’s Nest.
Not a Job But a Vocation: M. Shawn Copeland After 29 Years With BC
M. Shawn Copeland’s journey to BC was neither speedy nor direct. She first studied at Madonna College, joining the Felician Sisters who conduct the school. After graduating with a B.A. in English in 1969, she stayed in her hometown of Detroit for two years, initially as a high school teacher.
With Commencement, Browne Puts the Seal on His Time at BC
When Browne went to the zoo outside his doorstep, he could see almost every type of animal. When he went to bed at night in his grandparents’ apartment, he could hear the lions roaring and the sea lions croaking.
Piercey Graduates but Leaves BC Something to Lean On
“My greatest hope for UGBC, and I guess for the institution as a whole, because I don’t think a lot of UGBC’s problems originate with the organization itself, is that we can increase the opportunities for shared governance at BC. I think that would be a huge step forward.”
Boston College, Jesuit Refugee Service Sign Memorandum
BC and the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) have signed a three-year memorandum of understanding.