Students and professors alike settled into the plush armchairs of the Connolly House on Wednesday evening for the journalism program’s first in-person event since the start of the pandemic.
Learning a Latte Through Espresso Your Faith Week 2021
The Boston College community tied hundreds of maroon and gold ribbons with their prayers written on them to the fences surrounding Bapst Library last week.
Chocolate Bar To Reopen Monday Despite Staffing Shortage
After remaining closed for the last academic year, the Chocolate Bar is set to reopen next Monday, according to Beth Emery, director of BC Dining.
BC Environmental Groups Respond to Harvard Plans for Divestment from Fossil Fuels
It would take immense public action, like the storming of protesters at the Harvard–Yale football game, to give divestment the publicity it needs at Boston College, according to Climate Justice at Boston College (CJBC) president Audrey Kang.
BC Dining Adapts to Nationwide Food and Supply Shortages Fueled by COVID-19 Pandemic
From food and beverages to paper products and equipment, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the nationwide supply chain and everyone is feeling its impacts, according to Tom Williams, associate director of Boston College Auxiliary Services.
BC Falls One Spot to No. 36 in ‘U.S. News & World Report’ Rankings
U.S. News & World Report named Boston College the No. 36 best national college in its 2022 college rankings, a one-spot drop from last year’s ranking.
BC Reports 59 New Undergraduate Cases of COVID-19
The University reported 59 undergraduate cases of COVID-19 out of 6,579 tests this past week, a positivity rate of .90 percent, according to a Monday update to the Boston College Forward website.
Isabel Wilkerson Talks Dismantling the “American Caste System”
Isabel Wilkerson, the first female Black recipient of the Pulitzer Prize in journalism and author of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, spoke about her book to the Boston College community on Wednesday over Zoom.
Class of 2025 Inattentive at Annual Convocation
Sherry Turkle spoke about the importance of conversation to the Class of 2025 Thursday evening at the annual Academic Convocation.
Moore, Kalscheur Appointed Co-Directors of Forum on Racial Justice
The appointment of Kalscheur and Moore, who also serves as executive director of the Pine Manor Institute for Student Success, follows the departure of the forum’s inaugural director and former BC Law School Dean Vincent Rougeau.