The Student Assembly (SA) of UGBC confirmed Svea McNally, Lynch ’22, and Christopher Rizzo, MCAS ’22, to chair positions in the executive branch on Tuesday night.
UGBC Passes Resolutions Concerning WGS Major, Electric Busses, Restroom Changing Stations
On April 6, The Student Assembly (SA) of UGBC passed three resolutions concerning the creation of a Women and Gender Studies (WGS) major, a partnership between UGBC and the Office of Transportation and Parking, and funding for diaper decks on campus.
BC Nursing Students To Conduct Wellness Clinics in Maine
The Connell School of Nursing (CSON) will be conducting wellness clinics from April 19 to 23 in Aroostook County, Maine. Nursing students will also be conducting home visits, setting up vaccine clinics, conducting COVID-19 testing, and assisting in a blood drive.
Reports of Racist, Homophobic Vandalism in Williams Hall
A non-Boston College student allegedly tore down a Black Lives Matter flyer and an LGBTQ+ pride flag from the door of a resident assistant’s (RA) room in Williams Hall on April 2, according to an email from Director of Residential Education Dorrie Siqueiros to Williams residents.
Skerry Discusses The Effects of “Diversity Talk”
Peter Skerry, a political science professor at Boston College, said last Monday evening that modern-day talk of diversity and inclusion has grown to an excess in recent years in a way that hurts African Americans.
Cheap Food, On-Campus Drinks Draw Students to BC After Dark
BC After Dark served up burgers right off the grill, salt-dusted curly fries, and hummus platters for its opening weekend—all for half off. But the freshly grilled food is not all that drew the crowds on the warm spring weekend, according to Brendan Barnard, MCAS ’21.
Man Indicted For Sending Threatening Emails To BC Student After Forging Pornographic Images
A Minnesota man was indicted on Tuesday by a federal grand jury for sending threatening emails to a Boston College student in 2016 after creating fake pornographic images of her, the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney’s Office said on Wednesday.
Admin. Address Student Expectations in Light of Bias-Motivated Incidents on Campus
Boston College concluded its series of mandatory student behavioral expectation webinars on Tuesday. The webinars follow several bias-motivated incidents from earlier this semester, including the vandalism on the women’s Multicultural Learning Experience (MLE) floor of Xavier Hall.
“A Pyrrhic Victory”: BC Alum Presents on The Battle of Bunker Hill
Brian Cummins, BC ’82, provided an expansive description of the Battle of Bunker Hill in a virtual presentation on March 18.
Boyle Shares Experiences With Homeboy Industries, Helping Others
Boyle, a Jesuit author and graduate of the School of Theology and Ministry (STM), spoke at the second annual Daniel J. Harrington, S.J., Lecture Thursday on Zoom to accept STM’s Alumni Distinguished Service Award.