Tag: boston

Breaking Out of the BC Bubble
Opinions, Column

Breaking Out of the BC Bubble

“He felt that Boston College was a gated community for white people.” Those words, casually mentioned by the nurse to explain why her son did not attend Boston College, hit me like a brick wall. As a nursing student in my population health clinical, I was placed at an elementary school in Lower Roxbury.

Mental Health and Dove Dark Chocolate
Opinions, Column

Mental Health and Dove Dark Chocolate

As I perused through Star Market, I came across the holiday-themed aisle, which all grocery stores tout prematurely at every monetarily advantageous occasion. At this time of year, the aisle is crammed with pink and red hearts and weary-looking stuffed bears.

The Myth of College in the 21st Century
Opinions, Column

The Myth of College in the 21st Century

A journey is surrendering oneself to the river. A journey teaches us where we fit in this large world. I am increasingly convinced that this is what the Jesuits have been trying to communicate with their retreats, classes on “Engaging Catholicism,” and cura personalis rhetoric.

I Lost Myself Somewhere in Between BC and Texas
Opinions, Column

I Lost Myself Somewhere in Between BC and Texas

In all seriousness, I actually did lose myself somewhere in between Texas and BC. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve lost yourself too. This very matter has brought me to tears at times. It’s easy to forget that you can reintroduce yourself to yourself and others at any time regardless of being in the same location surrounded by the same people. 

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