Laser beams, LED light-up foam sticks, and the aroma of popcorn danced around Conte Forum as students entered the arena for the return of Boston College’s Ice Jam.
CAB Celebrates Halloween with Spooky Monster Mash Dance
All around campus this week, students have switched out their hoodies and Patagonias to don spooky get-ups to celebrate Halloween. The Campus Activities Board (CAB) has worked to match students’ Halloween spirit by hosting a variety of events—from haunted houses to scary movies—around Boston College’s campus.
CAB Hosts Mocktail Mixology Course
Campus Activities Board (CAB) kicked off October with an inventive new activity—Boston College’s first mocktail mixology course.
Boston College Should Better Incorporate the Class of 2024, Implement Programming
Boston College should make a concerted effort to better incorporate the Class of 2024 into the BC community. So far, BC has largely neglected the Class of 2024, whose college experience thus far has been defined by COVID-19. Both freshmen and sophomores are experiencing a normal first year at BC together, equally in awe of…
CAB World Fair Features BC Cultural Clubs
CAB hosted the “World Fair” on all three academic quads, where 20 cultural clubs showed off traditions, played games, and blasted music while giving away shirts, pins, and stickers.
Editorial: UGBC Should Prioritize Resources on Student Needs
The Undergraduate Government of Boston College has spent much of the semester cloaked in controversy and unable to deliver for the community its members are elected to serve. UGBC must improve its advocacy for the student body so that its communication with administrators results in tangible action for students. In addition, UGBC should reevaluate its…
Fall Showcase Features Socially Distanced Live Music
Five BC musical acts performed on the O’Neill Plaza lawn Saturday afternoon for the Music Guild and CAB’s Fall Showcase.
CAB Hosts TikTok Challenge with “e-boy” Prizes
Students rolled around and stomped on the grass outside of Carney Hall in the hopes of winning the CAB’s TikTok challenge on Monday night in pursuit of “e-boy”-themed prizes.
At ‘Diaspora Through Dance,’ Teams Compete With Purpose
The ‘Diaspora Through Dance’ competition showcased African culture from Ethiopian to Caribbean dance.
CAB Now Offering Boston City Limits Tickets for Free
Tickets to this Saturday’s Boston City Limits concert will now be offered free of charge. Students who have already purchased tickets will receive refunds.