Tag: campus ministry

“Only as Catholic as You Make It…”
Column, Opinions

“Only as Catholic as You Make It…”

When my tour guide said that Boston College is “only as Catholic as you make it,” they may have been reflecting a true reality for many students. As a Jew and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it has not always been true for me. When I first learned that BC refused the creation of a student funded LGBTQ+ resource center on the grounds that doing so would compromise the University’s “Catholic values,” I was astonished.

Editorial: Boston College Should Allocate More Funds To Campus Ministry To Employ Non-Catholic Chaplains
Editorials, Opinions

Editorial: Boston College Should Allocate More Funds To Campus Ministry To Employ Non-Catholic Chaplains

Boston College should allocate more funding to Campus Ministry so that it can expand its staff by hiring chaplains of other faiths. Campus Ministry is an integral part of many students’ experiences at BC, regardless of their religious affiliation. It sponsors several retreats and service immersion programs that it stresses are “open to students of…

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