The Chamber Music Society’s Arts Festival showcase brought classical music to Gasson 100 Friday afternoon.
Arts, Music, Arts Fest 2018
Chamber Music Society Presents BC Baroque, Flute Ensemble, and Cello Ensemble
The Boston College Chamber Music Society featured BC Baroque, the Flute Ensemble, and the Cello Ensemble at its latest event at Artsfest.
Arts, On Campus
Chamber Music Society Exalts a Melange French High Culture
From Fauré’s ‘Piano Quartet’ to a slew of beautiful ensembles of French verse, the ‘Turn of the Century France’ performance brought together compelling elements from this dawn of a new cultural age.
Arts, Music, On Campus
BC’s Chamber Music Society Cast a Classical Spell on Audiences
BC’s Chamber Music Society featured talented student and faculty pianists, cellists, and a lone flutist playing the stylings of Mozart, D. Shostakovich, and Louise Farrenc.