The great power competition between the United States and China spans multiple sectors of the global economy. Most recently, it has played a growing role in the rise of gold prices. In today’s political landscape, concerns about inflation, fiscal sustainability, and U.S. foreign policy toward China all influence the price of this valuable resource. During…
India’s Next Move in the U.S.-China Chess Match
The chess match between China and the U.S. is far from over, and India should be perceived as a rook in the middle of the board, undecided on its allegiance. Maybe the answer does not lie in picking a side and falling into the depths of this zero-sum game, but in building a stable economy that allows India to reclaim as much independence as possible from this chess game.
Dixon Discusses Role of National Intelligence Amid Upcoming Presidential Election
The upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election remains a top priority for the intelligence community, especially amid recent government reports suggesting that Russia, China, and Iran attempted to influence this year’s election, according to Stacey Dixon, principal deputy director of national intelligence.
Ross Talks Sino-American Relations at BC Republicans Event
Understanding Sino-American relations is paramount to maintaining national safety, according to Robert Ross, a professor of political science at Boston College.
Zhu Traces Hollywood’s History with China
hu, who is also the director for film and moving image research at the Academy of Film at Hong Kong Baptist University, came to Chestnut Hill as a result of her friendship with Professor Martha Bayles.
Barfield Talks Trump Trade Policy
Claude Barfield, resident scholar of trade policy at the American Enterprise Institute, gave a talk on the Trump administration’s trade policies in an event sponsored by the Boston College Republicans and the American Enterprise Institute Executive Council of BC.
Big Brother Brian Gong Sprints for Sister
Though he had never considered himself a runner, Gong decided to begin training for the Boston Marathon after being introduced to Brittany Loring, CGSOM ’13, a survivor of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Total Enrollment of Chinese Students Increases 24 Percent This Year
“We’ve been fortunate to attract and enroll superb students from China,” said Director of Undergraduate Admissions John Mahoney.
International Student Enrollment Rises, Chinese Representation Grows Significantly
A variety of factors have contributed to the growth of the international student population on campus, including significant growth in the representation of students from countries in Asia, who constitute 65 percent of the total.
China’s Troubling Economy
“The Chinese economy, though in certaın aspects open, is still ultimately controlled and desıgned to benefit the communist elite. China’s economic liberalizatıon is more easily understood as a form of crony capitalism, rather than a truly liberal economy wıth far reaching benefits.”