In an age where Western society holds liberal values and democracy to be the absolute truth and way of life, I think it is important to raise a specific question: are liberal values hypocritical? Philosophers like John Locke created the blueprint for the world that we, Western society, live in today, one in which we…
On Campus, News
McNellis Explores Effects of Hook-Up Culture
“Men … would you want any guy thinking about or doing to your sister doing what you’re thinking about doing to this woman under these circumstances?” McNellis asked.
On Campus, News
Doyle and Roozeboom Explore Connections Between Theology and Psychology
“As we spend time loving and caring for ourselves, our brain responds and our capacity to love and connect with our neighbor increases,” Roozeboom said. “What happens is people lose a sense of separateness between the self and others, and we have this experience of being at one.”
News, On Campus, Featured Story
Christianity Can Relieve Tensions Over Race, Says Jennings
Willie Jennings, a theologian and professor at Yale Divinity School, believes that mistakes made in interpreting God’s word is the root of many social rifts, such as poor race relations and border debates.
News, On Campus
At Agape Latte, Cullinan Reflects on Power of Prayer
“There was no other explanation other than prayer,” Cullinan said.