A lively gathering of Bostonians crowded outside the Transportation Board Room on Wednesday for a public hearing on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s (MBTA) proposed fare hike, which will go into effect July 1 of this year.
Metro, The T
Petition Opposes MBTA Fare Increase
Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu is circulating a petition to oppose the MBTA’s proposed fare hike. The MBTA should look to create a sustainable source of revenue for creating a fare-free system.
Newton City Council to Vote on Temporary Ban of Recreational Marijuana Establishments
Newton City Council has postponed voting on a temporary ban of recreational marijuana establishments until March 5. If the proposal passes, businesses will not be able to apply for licenses until Dec. 31, 2018 to allow for increased planning time for the Zoning and Planning Committee.
Metro, Politics
Rezoning Project Sparks Debate in City Council
At their latest meeting on Monday, Newton City councilors debated a potential rezoning project, and discussed affordable housing in the area.