Fuller said the event was painful but necessary in light of the attacks, and that her thoughts are with all those involved in the conflict.
Metro, Boston
City Hall Opens Gallery, Tale of Women’s History Told Through Prints
Four female members of the Boston Printmakers used etching, lithography, relief printmaking, and mono printing to depict figurative images of women’s issues in Boston City Hall’s “March Four Women” gallery.
Metro, Politics
Newton Mayor Fuller Knits Boston College Into Campaign
In her first 100 days in office, Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller hopes to establish an open-door policy. She recognizes the importance of Boston College as an invaluable campaign partner.
Metro, Politics, Newton
City Councilors Discuss Newton’s Sanctuary City Status
“We are not in the business of picking people up for immigration violations … end of story,” said one councilor.
Metro, Featured Story
New City Hall Plaza Amenities Aim to Increase Foot Traffic
Following redevelopment from the Boston Garden Development Corporation, Boston’s City Hall Plaza will include a European-style street market and an outdoor skating path.