Tag: climate justice

A Green New Deal Makes Economic And Environmental Sense
Opinions, Column

A Green New Deal Makes Economic And Environmental Sense

Last Tuesday, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Massachusetts’ own U.S. Senator Ed Markey took the ambitious steps to formally reintroduce their signature bill, the Green New Deal. With new Democratic control of both houses of Congress and the White House, it appears as though the most sweeping piece of climate legislation in…

LTE: In Response to “Leahy Addresses Faculty at Convocation”
Opinions, Letters To The Editor

LTE: In Response to “Leahy Addresses Faculty at Convocation”

We, the members of Climate Justice at Boston College, read the August 29 article about Fr. Leahy’s convocation address with hope. We applaud Fr. Leahy’s stated commitment to BC’s “long-standing Jesuit Catholic heritage” and to meeting global challenges that Catholic universities, as Fr. Leahy notes, are uniquely positioned to help confront. Yet we also recognize…

BC Hesitant About Fossil Fuel Divestment
Administration, Top Story, News

BC Hesitant About Fossil Fuel Divestment

After a non-binding referendum on the Undergraduate of Government of Boston College elections ballot asking if BC should withhold investments from the fossil fuel industry received 2,005 “yes” votes and 374 “no’s,” University Spokesman Jack Dunn said the school’s stance on divestment has not changed.

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