“Who decides what comfort is, anyway?” I find myself asking this when one of the students from Upper makes fun of my current living situation.
Opinions, Column
The Comfort in Uncomfortability
There is something deeply soothing about uncomfortability.
Through challenging my insecurities head-on, I’ve grown to derive more fun from the things that I used to hold myself back from in fear. Seeing each interaction as “for the bit” makes life so much more interesting.
Opinions, Column
Growing Up and Growing Out
If you had asked me a year ago to define what home meant to me, I would tell you it was the winding back roads that I spent endless hours driving down with my best friends.
Opinions, Column
Embracing Your Inner Deipnosophist: Finding New Meaning at the Dinner Table
When we act as deipnosophists, we understand the importance of talking during a meal. We take what is already great about food—both the comforting and symbolic aspects—and make it better by adding meaning to the otherwise casual, surface-level conversation.