I read Nicholas Hissong’s Feb. 1 op-ed, “Winning Over Millennial Republicans,” with interest; while I am not sure if I (having been born in 1997) count as a “Millennial” (my dictionary gives a 1994 cut-off date, but Neil Howe and William Strauss, who coined the term, give it as 2004), I am a young Republican,…
Opinions, Column
Winning Over Millennial Republicans
Many millennials who prefer Republican economic policy—free markets, lower taxes, and minimal government expenditures—simultaneously lean far to the left on issues like climate change, practical gun control, and marriage equality. The Republican Party, unfortunately, refuses to lean with them.
Letters To The Editor, Opinions
LTE: Another Response to “Why Bernie Sanders’ Policies Make Sense”
I actually enjoyed Mr. Behrens’s piece; political discourse is always good. Naturally, I don’t agree, either practically or philosophically, and I’ll try to lay out my reasons here.
Opinions, Column
Pushing Back Populism in the 2016 Elections
America must resist the temptation of populism and unify behind a rational candidate. It is true that this election cycle lacks extremely strong candidates, but some more moderate ones are capable of leading our nation.