Gips, the John R. and Pamela Egan Chair of Computer Science, taught at BC from 1976 until the end of this academic year.
News, Top Story, Academics
CSOM Honors Students Plan Proposal, Hope to Create New Organization
Andrew Kearney, CSOM ’18, hopes to have an approved, fully vetted, organization ready to go by the end of the semester.
News, Top Story, Administration
CSOM Dean Says End of Honors Program Won’t Impact Yield of Top Students
“To underscore a central point: we want to be the best undergraduate school of management anywhere,” Boynton wrote.
News, Top Story, Administration
Letter From Dean Outlines Rationale for Ending CSOM Honors Program
Dean of the Carroll School of Management Andy Boynton officially announced in an email to faculty and staff on Thursday that the CSOM Honors Program will end with the Class of 2021. All current students in the program will be able to graduate with Honors, although the program will be phased out over the next…