Despite freezing temperatures, Boston’s gray skies are gone—and the sun is shining over Gasson once again.
Former CSOM Professor Dies After Bicycle Accident in Texas on Sunday
Kent Wosepka, a former adjunct professor of finance in the Carroll School of Management at Boston College, died on Sunday after he was hit by a car while riding a bicycle in East Texas, WCVB reported.
Annual ‘Bank Week’ Returns to BC
The Boston College Career Center and the CSOM hosted BC Bank Week, a series of programs aimed at sophomores interested in pursuing jobs in finance.
Jobs Fair Should Feature More Opportunities for Variety of Majors
On Tuesday, more than 2,000 students and 150 companies attended the 2019 Boston College Fall Career and Internship Fair. The fair was advertised as a networking event for all students and alumni from all BC schools. The event, attended by about 14 percent of BC’s students, is a major recruiting event both for companies and…
CSOM Grade Deflation Hurts Students
Educational institutions across the country continue to hash over grade inflation—the notion class averages are increasing, often undeservedly. Boston College joined the war to deflate grades through grading guidelines enacted in the Carroll School of Management (CSOM) in 2018. Sitting in my first management class of the semester, I was hit with the discouraging reminder…
Students Reflect on First-Ever ‘Bank Week’
BC’s first-ever Bank Week, which ran during the first full week of February, offered sophomores the opportunity to explore banking careers. Co-sponsored by the Career Center and CSOM, Bank Week was developed partially in response to the banking industry’s accelerated recruiting timeline.
CSOM Provided Opportunity to Understand My Political Beliefs
“Even though I knew that I was a Republican, I didn’t know why until I took a Carroll School of Management Core Class as an elective this spring.”
LTE In Response to “CSOM Establishes Guidelines to Combat Grade Inconsistency”
I regret that I must write another letter to the editor, but my last one was insufficient or too late. I still have hope that Boston College can continue to be a place where learning is fostered and prioritized over grades and all students have the opportunity to do well based on their own abilities….
CSOM, Career Center Host Inaugural ‘Bank Week’
The event, which is taking place this week, is designed for students to learn more about internship and career opportunities away from the pressure of recruitment and networking sessions.
CSOM Minor Enrollment Exceeds Initial Predictions
Nine hundred fifteen students have declared new Carroll School of Management minors for non-CSOM students according to Ethan Sullivan, the senior associate dean in the school’s undergraduate program.