Almost a year after the “Silence is Still Violence” march, Boston College is staring down several obstacles that stand in the way of a more diverse and representative faculty, but according to figures, BC has one of the most diverse faculties of its peer schools.
Chill Out and Be a Kid
“No, I didn’t land a big internship with a Big Three or Big Four, nor am I Tom Hanks from Big.”
University Applies Limits to Study Abroad Program
The Office of International Programs (OIP) announced in an email Wednesday that due to imbalances in the number of Boston College students studying abroad during the fall and spring semesters, the University has decided that limits will be placed on “each semester and program for students studying abroad.”
CSOM HP Officers to Helm Fulton Leadership Society for CSOM Freshmen
Since the announcement that the CSOM Honors Program (HP) would stop accepting students admitted after the Class of 2021, a group of CSOM HP members has been working to create a new program for the incoming freshmen. The group established the Fulton Leadership Society (FLS), a new club with a mission of furthering “high achieving”…
CSOM Professor James Gips Passes Away
Gips, the John R. and Pamela Egan Chair of Computer Science, taught at BC from 1976 until the end of this academic year.
CSOM Associate Dean Richard Keeley to Retire
“I feel very fortunate to have been part of this community, and to have been able to contribute in some way to its progress,” Keeley said.
Early Recruiting Timeline Causes Stress as CSOM Sophomores Make Plans for Junior Summer
A number of bulge bracket banks targeting sophomores are in the midst of conducting interviews and super days for internships next summer.
Investing in Music: CSOM Singer Croons the Classics
“I got to be Sinatra for a night … I wasn’t a college kid who was doing some singing, I wasn’t a member of a group who was singing. For once in my life, I was the star, and it was surreal,” Mastellone said.
LTE: A Response To “Carroll School Moves to Combat Grade Inflation”
“No grading system will be perfect, but one that intentionally reduces grades is harmful to students.”
CSOM Students, Faculty React to Grade Inflation Report
“I think having general principles and boundaries is a good policy, but there should be always room for flexibility depending on the circumstances and particular cases,” said Juan Montes, assistant professor of the practice in CSOM.