“Running for me is a lot about healing and working things out … When you run, your body hurts, but your mind feels clear. That’s my personal reason why I run. Whether it’s school or you’re fighting with your friends, or you’re just tired, or, it can be bigger things,” said Lauren Healy, MCAS ’19.
Top Story, Features
40 Hours: EagleMUNC V Aims for an Immersive Experience
Over 150 BC student staffers, 70 high school teachers, and 650 high school students, came together for EagleMUNC V.
Opinions, Editorials
Finding Less Conventional Routes To Serve Others
Programs like EagleMUNC and BC Splash provide Boston College students with the opportunity to engage in service outside of what is typically expected.
Top Story, On Campus, News
BCMUN Brings 500 To Annual Boston Conference
500 high school students from around the world gathered in Boston for the Model United Nations conference hosted by BC Model United Nations.