The chess match between China and the U.S. is far from over, and India should be perceived as a rook in the middle of the board, undecided on its allegiance. Maybe the answer does not lie in picking a side and falling into the depths of this zero-sum game, but in building a stable economy that allows India to reclaim as much independence as possible from this chess game.
The Endless Quest of Chasing R-Squared
Like many other BC students, I put constant pressure on myself to be the best. But sometimes my best just isn’t good enough, and that should be okay.
BC’s Most Popular Majors and Minors: Finance Remains on Top
For the second consecutive academic year, finance is the most popular major at Boston College, totaling 1,461 enrollees, according to the BC Fact Book—an annual release of University facts and figures compiled by the Office of Institutional Research & Planning.
BC Professor Receives American Economic Association Award
Boston College Professor and Chair of the Economics Department Christopher F. Baum was presented with an American Economic Association (AEA) Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes his work in promoting increased accessibility within the field of economic research.
The Paradox of Class Selection
The mission of a university is to shape young minds, and the most basic step to fulfill this mission is providing quality classes. Boston College often fails to meet this requirement.
Less Is More: The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns
It’s a principle we can apply to anything, including studying. Just because it is an economics principle doesn’t mean it is exclusive to economics. Eventually, there comes a point where we lose focus—where there is nothing more we can possibly do.
Computer Science Pauses Entry for New Majors
As of this semester, the 10 most popular majors at Boston College are economics, finance, biology, political science, communication, psychology, nursing, applied psychology and human development, computer science, and English
Economics as STEM Could Present Positive Implications for International Students
One of the primary goals of this shift, however, is to benefit international students.
Economics Major Reclassified as STEM
The economics major was reclassified as a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) program from a social science this summer. The major was discontinued and replaced by Econometrics and Quantitative Economics (EQE) which will serve as its new name.
For Individual Departments, Faculty Turnover is ‘Double-Edged’
“You have to be careful in bringing in new faculty, because once you commit to them, they could be here 30, 40 years,” said Vice Provost of Faculties Billy Soo.