Tag: editorial

A Historic Man Who Deserves Recognition: Boston College Should Name 245 Beacon Street After Rev. J. Donald Monan
Editorials, Opinions

A Historic Man Who Deserves Recognition: Boston College Should Name 245 Beacon Street After Rev. J. Donald Monan

Through his 24 years at the helm of Boston College, former University President Rev. J. Donald Monan, S.J. saved BC from financial ruin and bolstered the University’s status as a top institution of American higher education. Now, regardless of its financial interests, the University should honor Monan’s transformative presidency by naming 245 Beacon Street after him.

Boston College Should Expand Availability of Thanksgiving Airport Shuttle Service
Editorials, Opinions

Boston College Should Expand Availability of Thanksgiving Airport Shuttle Service

Boston College should better serve students traveling during Thanksgiving Break by creating its own shuttle service that runs to both Boston Logan International Airport and the city’s Amtrak stations. UGBC has offered a Thanksgiving shuttle service to the airport and South Station several times over the last decade. UGBC’s shuttle service is an effective use of its budget of $363,450, but it is not enough to fulfill the needs of the student body.

Boston College Should Equalize Student Pick Times to Guarantee Quality Course Selection for Undergraduates
Editorials, Opinions

Boston College Should Equalize Student Pick Times to Guarantee Quality Course Selection for Undergraduates

Boston College should equally distribute course registration appointment times among BC students in order to ensure that each student gets a fair opportunity to register for their desired courses. The current random assignment system means that “unlucky” students who consistently receive late pick times may be held back during registration, preventing them from fulfilling key…

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