Treseann Ainsworth, along with Franco Mormando from the romance languages department, has created a Pilot course for freshmen that explores love and marriage in the past and present.
News, Featured Story, Features
McAleavey’s Newest Publication Examines Victorian Literary Tropes
The BC English department’s Maia McAleavey analyzes the recurrent Victorian bigamy plot in her newest book.
News, On Campus, Administration
BC Professor Co-Authors Shakespeare Mixology Book
Caroline Bicks, associate professor of English at Boston College, co-authored a Shakespeare-themed cocktail recipe book.
News, On Campus
Lowell Series Welcomes Prize-Winning Poet
“To be in the middle of a Laura Kasischke poem is to occupy the intersection between the physical and the unseen … the known and the imagined,” said Boston College professor Suzanne Matson in her introduction to the prize winning poet who spoke at the latest Lowell Humanities Series last night.
Kowaleski Wallace Livens Up 18th-Century Lit
Kowaleski Wallace, a professor in the English Department, has a strong passion for pop culture, the arts, and women’s lives in the 18-century.