Blockbuster movies and hit TV shows are sure to inspire this Halloween’s most popular costumes, according to Heights contributor Callie Oxford.
Opinions, Column
A Return to TV Time: The Case for Escapist Television
Since returning to school for the spring semester, I’ve caught myself indulging in a new guilty pleasure. But unlike the typical guilty pleasure, I’m more than happy to share it with all of you. Usually, my drug of choice is candy, ice cream, or anything that has enough sugar in it to kill a small…
On Campus, Arts
BC Dynamics Enchant Crowd With Addictive A Cappella
BC Dynamics put on their spring a cappella show, demonstrating a range of vocals to their Euphoria theme.
Arts, Television, Review
‘Euphoria’ Captivates With its Creativity Despite Mishandling Character Development
Although stunning visually and ambitious in plot, ‘Euphoria’ fails to give all characters development.