AI, like past innovations, should serve as a tool to enhance and challenge existing learning methods, improving their efficiency and validity, rather than becoming a crutch that stifles genuine learning.
The Independency of Dependency
We are living in “a system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem.” So maybe I just rewatched Blade Runner 2049, but that does not mean it isn’t true.
Control Over Chaos: Why AI Needs to be Implemented Inside the Classroom
AI is part of a broader goal to expand the limits of the world we live in, not contract them. The AI question is centered around control of reality, because this new program isn’t leaving this world anytime soon.
Religion and Science Need Each Other
Religion and science have a reputation for conflict. Religious institutions have long viewed scientific observation and discovery as threats to their authority, and the scientific community has long portrayed religious belief as naive because of its lack of empirical evidence.
Bible Supports Theory of Evolution, Newsom Says
Newsom believes the creation story in Genesis supports the theory of evolution.
The Evolution of Weight Watching
“Society should shift its focus away from diets and quick fixes, and more toward a holistic vision of weight management incorporated within everyday lifestyle choices.”