The majority of BC undergraduates learn about events through social media. Advertisements on the sponsor organization’s website or a single mass email do not capture as much attention as a widely-disseminated Facebook event and page.
How To Keep Young Business In Boston
It’s great when a number of new companies emerge in the Boston tech scene, but why is it that many of them leave right after they make it big?
Boston Startup WiGo Wants To Change How You Plan Your Weekend
Holy Cross dropout Ben Kaplan is the brains behind WiGo—the social networking app that is spreading to campuses nationwide.
Why I Deleted My Uber App
Uber has found itself in the hot seat over the past month—here’s why controversy surrounding the company’s privacy laws should make you concerned.
Walking Away From The Facebook Farce
Facebook aggrandizes and romanticizes the most simple and the most complex human experience, and yet it still manages to be a window with a very narrow view.
Can You ‘Facebook’ For A Cause?
Facebook and other social media outlets have gone from being just fun ways to connect with friends to platforms for encouraging social change—but is sharing and tweeting enough to make a real difference?