I think we are the first generation where sex is less awkward to talk about than dating. In order to not further risk my chances of getting into heaven, I’ll be talking about the latter—I’m told BC priests read these articles every now and then. Strap in! In case you didn’t know, Merriam-Webster defines date as “the brown, oblong edible fruit of a palm (Phoenix dactylifera).”
In Sympathy of the Rats
If you have ever had the luxury of living in a questionably up-to-code off-campus house surrounding Boston College, you have probably experienced the joy of dealing with rats.
Nussbaum Examines Fear, Anger Through Liberal Arts
Martha Nussbaum, professor of law and ethics at University of Chicago, delivered a lecture on democracy and the liberal arts on Wednesday.
Finding the Fun in Fear
Not to mention, it’s hard to be stressed out about midterms during those 20 minutes you spend shrieking at a haunted house, and there is considerable value in that momentary neglect.
Determined to Read for Pleasure
“Reading requires effort and deliberation, and after your assigned reading of Kant or Faulkner, turning on Friends seems like the better choice.”
Recognizing the Value of Fear
“Rather than seeing fear as a weakness or a burden, what if we began to view it as a springboard for opportunity? What if, instead of allowing it to slow us down, we began to interpret it as our body’s natural way of preparing for greatness?”
Overcoming the Fear of Writing
“In truth, writing should not be a source of fear. Though it might seem daunting, taking a creative writing class at BC can help alleviate this fear.”
Overcoming Our Fear of Abroad
“Studying, volunteering, and teaching abroad—these are the activities that students should engage in to transcend the vices that plague society, and to help usher in a greater sense of global humanity.”
Question Is True Wisdom And True Learning
The prospect of questioning everything you believe can be terrifying, but the consequence of not asking questions is even scarier.
Below My Feet: Appreciating The Benefits Of Worry
You shouldn’t be looking to calm down—you should be looking for fear. You should be looking for the challenges.