Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson said the climate crisis is in need of a feminist solution during the Hosting Earth Conference at Boston College on Saturday.
Column, Opinions
Why Female Protagonists Like Rey Aren’t As Feminist As You Think
I find it extremely necessary to start this off with the fact that I am a woman. This piece is not me trying to be sexist or say that women shouldn’t be protagonists. In fact, I want to prove to you that we deserve better female protagonists than Rey Skywalker. A good protagonist is given…
Opinions, Editorials
Feminist Coming Out Day Should Continue to Engage
“Moving into an outdoor tent this year was one step toward increased visibility and, in planning next year’s event, steps should be taken to go even farther and drive participation numbers higher.”
News, On Campus
‘Feminists Coming Out Day’ Promotes Dialogue on Gender Equality
The Women’s Center, along with UGBC and other campus groups, hosted ‘Feminists Coming Out Day’ on Stokes Lawn on Monday. This is a part of numerous on campus initiatives to encourage dialogue on feminism.