“The history of Game of Thrones (and our world) shows that, although the rulers and even the rules of the game may change, the struggle for power with enemies and allies alike will likely remain, as actors exchange roles in a recurring play with a familiar finale.”
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
Thumbs Up – Snow! Campus looks stunning, like a collection of iced Jesuit gingerbread houses. Acapella tryouts were Sunday, and consisted solely of singers dressed in Elsa costumes belting “Let It Go” while summoning magic ice castles out of thin air. Make sure to catch all the cute Instagram stories of your freshmen friends from…
‘Game of Thrones’ Accelerates In Action, Not Quality
The latest season of ‘Game of Thrones’ raises concerning questions about the quality of future episodes in the wake of a departure from the books.
Embracing the Stigmatized Ways of the Nerd
It’s easy to stigmatize genres that one may not wholeheartedly embrace, but acknowledging our own nerd tendencies and accepting those of others would be better for everyone.
The Future of Violence in Entertainment
As special effects and virtual reality technology evolves over time, violence has become more prevalent and realistic in TV, movies, and video games. What does this say about how future generations will look at violence in the entertainment they take in?
Summer Television Gems Enthrall Viewers Through Fear, Oddities, and Crime
With so much exceptional television coming out of the summer of 2016, the coming months are sure to be rife with tokens of summer in the winter’s binge to come.
In the Summertime, When the Weather is Fine
Summer’s a great time not only to get away from the pressures of the school year, but also to catch up on the entertainment that school doesn’t accommodate.
Family Matters in ‘Game of Thrones’
‘Game of Thrones’ may have forgot where it came from as the customs of the Seven Kingdoms become frequently and blatantly transgressed in Season 6.
Blood Continues to Draw, Boil, and Spill in ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6
There is no singular aspect that ‘GoT’ can look forward to, as all horizons in Westeros seemed to be headed down its signature roads of deceit, treachery, and violence that has made the show what it is.
From the Middle East to Westeros: A Flickering Light in Syria
In war-torn Syria, spurts of electricity offer an escapist glimpse into another world.